The latest version of artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT, GPT-4, believes the events of the last seven days could be bullish for Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), and Cosmos (ATOM). To test this hypothesis, Cointelegraph ran an AI-trading experiment, allocating $100 to “make as much money as possible in the shortest time.”
GPT-4 was given year-end round-ups for 2021 and 2022, along with its Markets News and most read stories over the past seven days. It noted that the current state of the crypto market has been volatile, with “various factors” influencing prices.
Based on this information, GPT-4 suggested allocating $15 to Cosmos (ATOM), due to Cosmo’s launch of Interchain Security, which “could create potential growth opportunities for ATOM.” It also recommended allocating $6 in Decentraland (MANA), given “interest in virtual worlds and NFTs continues to grow,” and $4 in Chainlink (LINK).
Cointelegraph made the purchases on an exchange immediately after and is now tracking the fund’s performance using a portfolio tracker. At the time of writing, there has already been a small paper gain. This is an ongoing experiment and more updates will be shared in the future. At the end of the experiment, any proceeds will be donated to a charity of the community’s choice.
The experiment was inspired by Twitter user Jackson Fall, who created a “HustleGPT” experiment covering e-commerce. It is hoped that this experiment will help to understand GPT-4’s potential biases towards certain cryptocurrencies, how the events of last week could impact investment decisions, and whether it can adjust strategy to eventually turn a profit.