ERTHA Token is a promising project. It will be open for public sale at a favorable price on Huobi Primelist launchpad and can be traded immediately after. Based on the history of Huobi Primelist’s previous successful sales, We believe that ERTHA will be a very attractive investment opportunity for investors. However, it should be noted that only a few lucky investors will have the opportunity to buy Tokens during this event.
About ERTHA metaverse
ERTHA metaverse is Heroes Of Might And Magic game-type inspired economic and social life is built on Binance smart chain to explore and investigate the world by choosing specializations and increasing the strength of your NFT, country. The game is designed to replicate a real-life environment, simulating the actions that people have to perform to earn a living. ERTHA’s game has a unique concept that combines Strategy, Social, MMO, RPG, Play2Earn and Play2Learn.
How to buy ERTHA from Huobi at this event?
Step 1: You need to be a member of Huobi Global
Click following link to register Huobi account :
Note that this event is not available in some countries including: Mainland China, the United States of America, Canada, Japan, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, and Crimea.
Step 2: Your account needs to be verified (KYC)
Step 3: Click here to register for the event (Participation will be automatic)
You will have 2 options to join the event. You can only opt in under 1 of these 2 options.
Option 1: Join via universal queue
You must trade any coin on Huobi except stable coins.
Between 12/29/2021 and 1/04/2021 you need to have a total trading volume of $1400 (Average $200 a day). You can of course pool all your trades in one day. But don’t create garbage transactions.
At the event website you can regularly monitor your average trading volume. When it has reached $200, you have met the eligibility requirements.
Option 2: Hold HT (a representative token of Huobi exchange)
According to Huobi’s announcement, you need to hold a minimum of 300HT for 3 days between 16:00:00 on Dec 31 (UTC) and 15:59:59 on Jan 3 (UTC), but we recommend having a minimum 3000HT by the number of people who registered to participate in the event a lot, if you hold a little you will almost not buy anything.
Step 4: Join the event.
You need to have enough USDT ready to buy ERTHA. Minimum is 50 USDT
At exactly 10:00 (UTC) on Jan 4 the website will open for you to register
Here you will choose the Plan prepared in the previous step and make a prepayment to buy ERTHA. You are completely assured because if you do not successfully buy that amount of USDT, it will be refunded immediately after the event.
The site may crash due to too many visitors, but you don’t need to rush because we have 1 hour to complete this step. And finishing before or after has absolutely no effect on our chances.
Step 5: Wait for the result
At 11:00 (UTC) on Jan 4 the registration period will end. Now wait for the countdown until the results are announced.
With universal queue wait for your random lucky number, if it is less than 2880 then congrats you have bought this $50 Token.
With HT Holds Queue You are sure to buy ERTHA but wait and see how much you will buy as it will depend on your ratio of HT ownership to the total HT of the participants.
Step 6: Start trading
At 13:00 (UTC) on Jan 4 ERTHA transactions will be opened, you can start buying and selling your Tokens at the following link:
What is your lucky rate?
Let’s review the latest Huobi Primelist results with DIO Token.
The Primelist event concluded at 12:30 (UTC) on Dec 29. Please see the event report below:
Register via Queue: There were 274,955 participants in total, 2,400 of whom were eligible to purchase 1000 tokens each using a queue number of 1 ~2,400. The probability of each participant being picked was approximately 0.873%.
Register via HT Holding: There were 42,329 participants with a total of 2,856,300 USDT transacted for new tokens. E.g. Users with 3-day average holdings of 5,000 HT can get 252.07 new tokens each.